Border Between Croatia and Serbia Opened, Refugees Still Arriving to Croatia
Total Croatia News
The latest on the migrant and Serbian border situation.
Croatia and Serbia Continue to Trade Accusations
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An overview of the Croatian media reporting of the ongoing dispute with Serbia.
Neighbouring Municipalities Given an Opportunity to Merge
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A citizen chance to merge municipalities.
Former Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor Against the Dissolution of Parliament
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Former Prime Minister Kosor calls for delay in dissolving Parliament.
HDZ Campaign Manager’s Immunity Removed Unanimously
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Rimac loses her immunity after only 7 days in parliament
Rising Tensions Between Croatia and Serbia
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Tensions are increasing at the border between Croatia and Serbia.
State Attorney’s Office Requests Removal of Immunity for HDZ Campaign Manager
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Investigations continue into the HDZ campaign manager by the State Prosecutor.
SDP Wants Elections as Soon as Possible
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The Government is keen on early elections.