
Photo: Filip Filipović/Pixabay

Minimum Wage to Rise By 10.3% to €500 in 2022

Total Croatia News

The government on Thursday adopted a regulation on the minimum wage after consultations with all social partners. We have assessed ...

Photo: Sandra Simunovic/PIXSELL

“Vienna” Initiative, HNB Hold Annual Conference on Financial Trends in Split

Total Croatia News

The European Bank Coordination “Vienna” Initiative is a framework for safeguarding the financial stability of emerging Europe. The Initiative was ...

Photo: Jurica Galoic/PIXSELL

Croatian Government Projects Growth For This Year At 9%

Total Croatia News

“Based on macroeconomic indicators for the national economy and external environment, and prevailing expectations, real GDP growth for 2021 is ...

Photo: Hrvoje Jelavic/PIXSELL

MP Reports Croatia to European Commissioner Over Violation of Citizens’ Rights

Total Croatia News

“Croatian citizens’ rights are constantly violated by the ruling structures, and politicians and the judiciary openly and publicly demonstrate arrogance ...

Photo: Dusko Jaramaz/PIXSELL

Government to Extend Deadline for Population Census Until 14 November

Total Croatia News

“Considering the present circumstances of the coronavirus pandemic, where our census-takers are encountering certain difficulties on the ground, and following consultations ...

Photo: Zeljko Lukunic/PIXSELL

HKMS Wants Health Workers to Be Granted Status of Officials

Total Croatia News

That would increase security for health workers and provide them with a safe working environment, the HKMS said in a ...

Photo: Nattanan Kanchanaprat/Pixabay

Opposition Says Not Against Minimum Pay Rise, But Employers Shouldn’t Pay for It

Total Croatia News

Marin Lerotić of the Istrian Democratic Party (IDS) said his party was against employers covering the cost of a higher ...

Photo: Sasa Miljevic/PIXSELL

President: Euro Adoption Will Have More Pluses Than Minuses for Croatia

Total Croatia News

Malta has been in the euro area since 1 January 2008, and today when Milanović met with his Maltese counterpart ...

Four Croatian Ministries and Employers Popularising 5G Network Development

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Marija Brnic writes, in order to encourage public debate on the activities of development of electronic communication networks ...

Photo: Hrvoje Jelavic/PIXSELL

Milanović Criticises EU for Prolongations in Croatia’s Accession to Schengen Area

Total Croatia News

That is being prolonged yet Croatia is expected to act as if it is playing in the first four Series ...