
Foreign Minister Kovač at Least Gets a Phone Call with US Secretary of State Kerry

Total Croatia News

After their meeting was cancelled a few days ago, Croatian Foreign Minister and US Secretary of State talk on the ...

“Foreign Policy” Magazine Criticises Croatia’s New Government

Total Croatia News

The highly-influential American magazine has some harsh words for Culture Minister Hasanbegović in particular.

Latest Poll: HDZ and SDP at the Top, MOST and Orešković Losing Support

Total Croatia News

The latest poll confirms the trends from the last few months.

Number of War Veterans Keeps Increasing, 21 Years After the War Ended

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If only the Croatian economy could match this rate of growth…

Prime Minister Comments on Old and New SOA Directors

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In an interview, Prime Minister Tihomir Orešković also discussed relations within the ruling coalition.

US State Secretary Kerry Refused to Meet with Croatian Foreign Minister Kovač

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First big slap on the wrist for Croatian diplomacy.

Government to Abolish 40% Income Tax Bracket?

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Those with higher salaries may pay lower taxes starting from next year.

Croatia Continues to Block Serbia’s EU Negotiations

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Still no green light from Zagreb.

Journalists Associations and Croatian Radio Television Trade Accusations

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According to Croatian Journalists’ Society and the Trade Union of Journalists of Croatia, almost 70 employees have been dismissed or ...

MOST and Opposition MPs Support New SOA Director, HDZ Votes Against

Total Croatia News

Parliamentary Committee on Internal Affairs and National Security gives support to Daniel Markić as the new director of the Security ...