Slobodna Dalmacija Awards Best Small Family Hotel in Croatia

Katarina Anđelković

best small family hotel in croatia
PeTeani HoTel official website

November 10, 2023 – As part of the Days of Croatian Tourism, which are currently underway in Rovinj, Slobodna Dalmacija has traditionally awarded the “Adrian” award for the best small family hotel in Croatia for the 18th year in a row.

As HRT/Poslovni report, this year, the award went to the PeTeani Hotel from Labin.

The other nine finalists who were shortlisted for the competition were Hotel Draga di Lovrana in Lovran, Hotel Spongiola in Krapanj, Hotel Waldinger in Osijek, Hotel Vila Rova in Malinska, Puteus Palace Heratage Hotel in Pučišće, Heritage Hotel Adriatic, Hotel Moeesy Blue & Green Oasis in Hvar, Hotel Boškinac in Novalja and Hotel San Rocco in Brtonigla.


This is an award that has been awarded by Slobodna Dalmacija for 18 years in a row with the support of the Croatian Tourist Board and the National Association of Family and Small Hotels, which focuses on “a segment of the tourist system that is of exceptional importance for the tourist offer”.

Brnjac: New law on ecological, economic and social tourism

Minister of Tourism and Sports Nikolina Brnjac referred to the new Tourism Act, the first umbrella law that should enter into force in 2024, which, as she said, rests on three pillars of sustainability – ecological, economic and social, and could be the basis and assistance to mayors and prefects for managing the development of tourism in destinations.

The basis for creating a management plan in the most developed destinations, the minister stated, will be the calculation of reception capacities, that is, how many tourists each destination can accept, as well as how many catering facilities and apartments it can have.

Staničić: Small family hotels tough, powerful and strong in turbulent tourist times

The director of the Croatian Tourist Board, Kristjan Staničić, said that awards for the most successful small family hotels are actually a confirmation that they are tough, powerful and strong, given that, as he said, we live in globally turbulent tourism times.

“All small family hotels are kind of winners because through their specific and special family-based work, they add that value, and that is why Croatia is unique compared to the competition. In terms of quality and sustainability, small family hotels have something to say, offer, and show, and with the support and synergy of the relevant Ministry and HTZ, we can achieve excellent results and affirm Croatia as a high-quality sustainable year-round tourist destination”, said Staničić.

Vinko Ursić Glavanović: Small family hotels are the best example of what Croatia needs

Asserting that small family hotels deserve attention and the real story, the CEO of Slobodna Dalmacija, Vinko Ursić Glavanović, emphasized that this is a story of success, rare in any segment of Croatian tourism, because in two decades, relatively modest in terms of capacity and number, and in terms of perception unattractive niches rose to the very top.

“Small family hotels are precisely the best example of what Croatia needs, which is recognized in the new strategy of Croatian tourism”, pointed out Ursić Glavanović and added that 18 years ago, when this story began, there were a total of seventy small family hotels in Croatia, while today there are seven times more, almost five hundred.


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