New Southern Zagreb Entrance To Be Constructed

Lauren Simmonds

southern zagreb entrance

August the 25th, 2024 – A new southern Zagreb entrance is set to be constructed. It will boast three lanes heading in one direction, a new tram line and more.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, once the works begin on the new southern Zagreb entrance, the contractor will have exactly 12 months to develop a three-lane avenue in each direction, as well as a new tram line in the centre lane. The plan is that line 8, which currently goes from Zapruđe to Mihaljevac, will run along the extended line in the future.

The sound of excavators, the rumbling of heavy goods vehicles and other similar machines will soon become an everyday occurrence for the residents of the Dugave, Hrelić and Kamenarka settlements in the eastern part of Novi Zagreb.

According to announcements from the city administration, the reconstruction of Sarajevo road (Sarajevska cesta) should begin in September. It will eventually become an avenue in its own right, and even get a tram. The promise of a new southern Zagreb entrance is now four long decades old, and all of the procedures related to property and legal matters, bureaucracy and tenders for contractors have finally been resolved. That means that there is no longer any obstacle to the start of the works on the reconstruction of the street, which will also receive tram tracks, writes Večernji list.

The new road will stretch from the rotor in Zapruđe to the shunting station, and will have three lanes in each direction and a green belt with two tram tracks. There will be pedestrian and cycling paths in the green spaces along each side, with the avenue being up 40 metres wide in some places.

The current idea is to connect Sarajevska cesta to the large Zagreb ring road, which requires a viaduct. It is going to be built by Croatian Motorways (Hrvatske ceste), and current estimates state that it will take them up to three years to complete it. In the meantime, the deadline for the tender for the contractor of these works has been extended for the sixth time. Offers are being collected until October the 2nd, 2024. The busy Heinzelova will also become a construction site, and will also receive tram tracks.

“For the construction of the tram line from Zvonimirova to the Savišće turnpike, the plans are to initiate public procurement procedures for the selection of contractors and expert supervision during this year. That would mean that the works could begin at the end of this year or at the very beginning of 2025. The planned duration of the works is currently 18 months”, they stated from Zagreb’s city administration.


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