Safety, English, Price: Zagreb Named 3rd Best EU Capital for tourism

Paul Bradbury

Photo credit Zagreb Tourist Board/M. Gasparovic

July 30, 2023 – One more recognition of the Croatian capital’s rising tourism credentials, as Zagreb comes in ahead of other more established tourism capitals on safety, English, price & friendliness.

Tourism in Croatia may be mostly on the coast, but there is on inland destination which is quietly picking up a lot of international recognition and becoming one of the country’s top destinations in its own right – the capital Zagreb.

Having been named as Lonely Planet’s top destination in Europe a few years ago, voted best Christmas Market in Europe three years in a row, and now consistently referred to in digital nomad hot spot lists, Zagreb’s charms are plentiful. And so are the reasons people are choosing to visit.


VisaGuide.World has conducted a survey with 1200 travellers from 32 different countries regarding the things they value most when travelling to Europe. Things they valued included budget, safety, English-language proficiency, and friendliness of locals.

And Zagreb takes the bronze medal for European tourism capitals, behind Amsterdam and Rome, with London in 4th and Lisbon in 5th.

Interestingly, given the current discussions on higher prices on the Croatian coast, Zagreb was less expensive than any other destination apart from Prague in the top 10 for its weekly budget, and it was beaten only by London (obviously) and Amsterdam on English language proficiency. You can see the full results here.

As someone who has lived in Zagreb for more than two years, I can only concur. So much so that I even recorded a video on why I think Zagreb is the best place I have ever lived. Check it out below.


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