June 25, 2020 – Finding accurate information about travel to Croatia is a challenge at the moment. One excellent source of info is the Viber community, Total Croatia Travel INFO, where travellers are posting their actual border and travel experiences.
For a country whose GDP is 20%-dependent on tourism, and one which ‘breathes tourism’ according to its tourism minister, the lack of information about travel to Croatia currently is actually quite breathtaking.
In order to assist tourists, TCN has engaged in a series of initiatives in recent weeks to help the information flow – a daily travel update, available in 24 languages, and a Viber community, Total Croatia Travel INFO, which is answering travel questions in real time.
For the latest travel info, bookmark our main travel info article, which is updated daily.
Read the Croatian Travel Update in your language – now available in 24 languages
Join the Total Croatia Travel INFO Viber community.
The Netherlands – as of July 21, Croatia is placed on the “Orange” list by the Dutch government, which means that both the Croatian nationals and the Dutch nationals returning to the Netherlands from Croatia are strongly advised to self-quarantine for 14 days.
So what is the real situation with travel to Croatia? Are people coming without problems, and are some people being turned away and refused entry?
The Total Croatia Travel INFO Viber community has been visited 100,000 times in its first month. Set up by us initially to give information to tourists about the current situation, it is actually giving us invaluable feedback about the situation on the ground through actual experiences at airports and borders. The reality on the ground is – at times – very different to the official advice (where any advice exists).
Let’s start with what is 100% known and accepted:
External borders of the EU remain closed to all but exceptional cases and EU citizens. This was the TCN infographic of May 28, and it remains the same today, apart from the opening of the borders to 10 EU countries – you can see which in the map below.
The general rule is that if you can get to a Croatian border with proof of paid accommodation and fulfilling any visa requirement necessary, you can enter Croatia without problem from any country.
This was complicated a little at the Serbian and Bosnian borders with some new restrictions due to increased infections in those countries Read Who Doesn’t Have to Self-Isolate After Entering Croatia from BiH or Serbia?.
All this is fairly clear. Below is a summary of some of the current Viber community experiences on the real situation.
If you are driving from the UK or elsewhere in Europe, the borders are currently fully open. I drove from Brussels to Croatia last week, and the only slight delay was at the German-Austrian border, where they were doing spot checks. We were not stopped.
The entercroatia,mup.hr form is working PERFECTLY. If you are a foreign tourist, fill it in, print off the confirmation email and your border crossing experience will be 30 seconds.
If you are travelling to Croatia, it is best to have the following documents with you – the entercroatia.mup.hr confirmation, proof of your paid accommodation, and (if you are flying) the latest IATA rules for flying to Croatia. Here’s why.
Can North Americans visit Croatia right now? Here is a big overview from yesterday.
Here is one Viber community experience:
Hello All : we arrived safely in Croatia from New Jersey USA via Lufthansa ( Newark, Frankfurt, Zagreb, Split ). Want to share key steps I took as a dual citizen ( Croatian American) traveling with USA passport. Since the situation is fluid you need to keep reading the latest published rules and q&a. Bring all relevant info. I
1) filled out entercroatia website even though coming by plane
2) sent note to Croatian border police asking for confirmation that I could enter ( received reply about 6 days later)
3) printed out all emails and relevant q&a 4) brought relevant Croatian certificates ( If you have dual citizenships our own property)
Wearing masks mandatory 100% on plane and in airport.
Bring snacks for layovers ( most places in airport closed ) Had the most questioning during check in at USA ( agent wasn’t familiar with rules, she had to read notes and go to her supervisor )
Fyi while Germany has a 14 day quarantine rule — its only applicable if you are staying in Germany . If you are transferring in airport no problem .
Original flights cancelled and rebooked via Zagreb … all passengers fill out detailed form with info on where you will be located, emergency contacts and your flight/ seat information in the event that they need to do contact tracing
Border control in Croatia went smoothly. It was a long journey with added stress — glad to be here now with family . Wishing everyone a safe and healthy summer.
Other advice we have picked up from feedback:
1. Swiss Air from USA – Zurich – Zagreb, and the route USA – Amsterdam – Cro seem better. Lufthansa seems to be the strictest on allowing people to board.
2. Proof of paid accommodation and a plane ticket from the States do NOT guarantee you boarding – we have MANY cases of people who were refused boarding. Remember, external borders are officially closed.
3. If you have Croatian papers, you can enter Croatia from the States. What does ‘Croatian papers’ mean? For 100% guarantee, a Croatian passport. Much less certain, but at least one case has worked, is to enter with your Domovnica. Once you get to the Croatian border, you will have no problem. Getting on the flight is the hardest part. If the airline is convinced that the Domovnica is good enough ID to establish your Croatian credentials, then you may enter. In order to give yourself the best chance of success with this route, ask your local embassy to confirm your Croatianness in an official letter in English. Please note, this is NOT a guarantee it will work, but it has on at least one occasion.
4. In general, the more documentation you have, the better your chances.
5. If you are a partner of a Croatian citizen, officially you can only enter if you have an official cohabitation agreement. Being simply a boyfriend or girlfriend is not enough. BUT we do have one case in the community of a Danish girlfriend travelling to see her Croatian boyfriend from Copenhagen who arrived without questions. It can happen, but that doesn’t mean it will happen.
6. If you are transiting through Croatia, you will have no problems, and this is also true at the Neum Corridor if you are driving from Split to Dubrovnik. As long as you really in transit. You have an hour to get through Neum or you will have problems. For Croatia transit, I think the time limit is 48 hours, but will check and update.
7. If you are flying with a stopover, it is best to stick with the same airline.
Hello! Made it Dubrovnik from chicago. I travel to Croatia every summer. This experience wasn’t much different other than wearing masks & the flights being half empty. I have a US passport only. Although I have family in Croatia, I didn’t have to mention that to authorities. I traveled ORD-CPH-SPU and then had a driver pick us up at airport and drive us to Dubrovnik. I was asked what my purpose was in Croatia by SAS airlines and I said I’m coming as a tourist & that Croatia is allowing us with paid accommodation & that I have a letter from Cro government saying I’m allowed to enter (EnterCroatia announcement). I gave her the EnterCroatia form, the IATA map w highlighted part about Croatia, my paid receipt and the email by uz.covid@mup.hr saying I’m allowed to enter.
She brought it over to her supervisor and he barely thumbed through it. She said great, be sure you keep this with you so you’re allowed in by Croatian authorities.
The plane was 25% full. Everyone had a row to themselves & wore masks the entire time. It was amazing. We had a two hour layover in empty airport, and a half full flight to Split, again with SAS. At the airport in Split, customs asked me zero questions. I tried showing her my EnterCroatia form which she didn’t look at.
My driver drove us through the BIH boarder at Neum with no problems. No one asked to see my EnterCroatia form or anything. Only my US passport.
It was really a great experience. The only anxiety I had was prior to my trip with all the questioning about being able to travel.
The situation is changing rapidly, and real information is hard to find. For the latest travel info, bookmark our main travel info article, which is updated daily.
If you have some experiences which are helpful and you would like to share, please post in the Total Croatia Travel INFO Viber community. Join the Total Croatia Travel INFO Viber community. (You will need to download the app). Or email paul@total-croatia-news.com