boris vujcic

Central Bank Governor: Citizens Hold Cash Amounting to HRK 36 Billion

Total Croatia News

Vujčić added that the rest of the inflation will be generated from entirely different sources, primarily the prices of energy. He ...

HNB Governor Says Not Thinking of Resigning

Total Croatia News

“We certainly didn’t do anything wrong,” Vujčić told RTL television in a comment on the article by the Index news ...

Boris Vujcic Reveals When Shops May Start Displaying Prices in Euros

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Ana Blaskovic writes, the latest forecast regarding the domestic economy has been revised once again with Boris Vujcic ...

Photo: Sandra Simunovic/PIXSELL

“Vienna” Initiative, HNB Hold Annual Conference on Financial Trends in Split

Total Croatia News

The European Bank Coordination “Vienna” Initiative is a framework for safeguarding the financial stability of emerging Europe. The Initiative was ...


HNB Governor Says in 2022 Exact Date for Switching to Euro Will Be Defined

Total Croatia News

Addressing a conference on what switching to the euro would mean for SMEs, which was organized by the 24 Sata ...

Photo: Robert Anić/PIXSELL

Vujčić: No Room for Panic About Possible Rise in Interest Rates

Total Croatia News

Speaking in an interview with the HRT public broadcaster on Sunday evening, Vujčić said there was no room for panic ...

Marko Lukunic/PIXSELL

Plenković Says Intraparty Elections in HDZ Democratic, Transparent

Total Croatia News

“Anyone who wanted to run as a candidate could do so, and the process has been transparent and democratic. I do ...

CNB Governor Boris Vujcic: Croatian Inflation Rate Could be Higher

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, CNB Governor Boris Vujcic spoke in Croatian Parliament on Thursday and explained that, unlike the forecasts for ...

Photo: Robert Anic/PIXSELL

Inflation Rate in Croatia Could Be Higher, Says Boris Vujčić

Total Croatia News

The Governor of the Croatian National Bank (CNB), Boris Vujčić, said in the Croatian Parliament on Thursday that, unlike the ...

Croatian Eurozone Accession: Changes to Begin as Early as Next Summer

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, preparations for Croatian Eurozone accession have already started, and one of the measures is to ensure ...