british embassy zagreb

Resident Brits in Croatia: Wrongly Stamped Passport Won’t Affect Rights
Brexit has been done and dusted, and while there are still growing pains, the ongoing global coronavirus pandemic has overshadowed ...

Friends of Croatia: British Embassy – Brexit an Opportunity to Deepen Already Good Relationship
The diplomatic relations between the UK and the Republic of Croatia were formally established on June the 24th, 1992. Almost ...

Britain Appoints Simon Thomas New Ambassador To Croatia
After five years in his position, the United Kindom’s popular ambassador to Croatia, Andrew Dalgleish will move on to pastures ...

Brexit Brits in Croatia: Withdrawal Agreement Residence Explainer
December the 14th, 2020 – A clear and concise guide for Brexit Brits in Croatia wanting to make sure they ...
British Embassy in Zagreb Publishes Latest Foreign Office Travel Advice
March 23, 2020 – The British Embassy in Zagreb has published the latest travel advice in the light of border ...
Brexit Brits in Croatia: Outreach Meetings Scheduled in Dubrovnik and Split
As the majority of you will know, I’ve been writing articles to try to keep you up to date with ...
VIDEO: British Ambassador Shares Message to Brits in Croatia
October the 2nd, 2019 – Last night, a meeting between affected British expats living in Croatia and British Ambassador to ...

British Embassy in Zagreb Celebrates Queen’s Birthday, Moves Beyond Plastic
One of the most eagerly anticipated Zagreb parties of the year took place at the British Embassy in Zagreb on ...
Brexit Brits in Croatia – Simplified Jargon for Croatia’s British Residents
A look at the possible Brexit scenarios and what they mean for Croatia’s confused British residents. Brexit has been delayed. ...
Brexit Brits in Croatia – MUP’s Guidelines in Event of Any Scenario
MUP has finally spoken! Where do things stand for you as British citizens lawfully resident in the Republic of Croatia? ...