
Croatian Government Offering Rimac Incentives, Perhaps Even Land

Lauren Simmonds

Mate Rimac, Croatia’s golden entrepreneur gave an example to the Croatian Government when it comes to attracting investment and the ...

Croatian Brand Aqua Launches New Startas Tennis Shoe Line

Lauren Simmonds

One Croatian brand has launched something new, and it’s from Vukovar with love. As Sasa Paparella/Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the ...

Cash Machine Country: Why is ATM Business so Profitable in Croatia?

Lauren Simmonds

As Novac/Dora Koretic writes on the 2nd of July, 2019, there’s nobody in Croatia who hasn’t been slightly irritated that ...

Mate Rimac: Car Industry is Changing, This is Croatia’s Chance

Lauren Simmonds

Just what did Prime Minister Andrej Plenković take away from finally attending a meeting with Croatian entrepreneur Mate Rimac at ...

Agrokor’s Downfall: Independent Expert’s Report on Todorić is Damning

Lauren Simmonds

The life and times of the now somewhat infamous Ivica Todorić and family aren’t as public as they once were. ...

Croatian Technology Companies Aren’t as Young as They Appear

Lauren Simmonds

As Bernard Ivezic/Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 27th of June, 2019, given the fact that we’re currently living in the ...

Imperial Riviera d.d. Among Top 10 Biggest Tourist Companies in Croatia

Lauren Simmonds

A newly established tourist company in Croatia, which is a result of a merge, is only gaining and gaining in ...

Big Plans for Croatian Meat Industry and Dalmatian Prosciutto

Lauren Simmonds

Big plans are in the works for the Croatian meat industry, more precisely the Pivac company who are going forward ...

1000 More Companies Opened in 2018 Than 2017 in Croatia

Lauren Simmonds

As Novac/ writes on the 26th of June, 2019, after recently analysing the positive trends of the Croatian company scene ...

New Shopping ”Mecca” to Employ 100 People in Poreč, Istria

Lauren Simmonds

Something brand new for the Istrian town of Poreč, which will not only boost the local economy with the increased spending ...