
Ante Ramljak Files Lawsuit: ”Bernardić Persistently Repeating Series Of Untruths”

Lauren Simmonds

Agrokor’s government appointed extraordinary commissioner has filed a lawsuit against SDP’s Davor Bernardić.

ZET Tram Tickets Will No Longer Be Sold At Tisak Kiosks

Lauren Simmonds

The Agrokor earthquake continues to cause aftershocks…

A First In Croatia: Three Dubrovnik Agencies Join Together To Provide Complete Service

Lauren Simmonds

Good news for both private renters and tourists in the Pearl of the Adriatic as three major Dubrovnik companies merge ...

Ante Ramljak: ”We’ll Have to Write Off 70% of Agrokor’s Debt”

Lauren Simmonds

Agrokor’s government appointed extraordinary commissioner appeared on Zoran Šprajc’s popular show on RTL television last night.

Todorić: ”Attempts to Ignore Roll Ups and Contract with Madison Pacific Trust”

Lauren Simmonds

The blog never rests…

Plenković On Euro Introduction: ”We’ll Be More Attractive To Foreign Investors”

Lauren Simmonds

Not everyone is over the moon about Croatia’s entry into the eurozone, but the PM continues to try to persuade ...

Todorić: ”They Gave Them Croatia’s National Wealth”

Lauren Simmonds

Despite the issuance of an international arrest warrant, the ex Agrokor majority owner still isn’t neglecting his blog…

Croatia Receives Some Straight-Talking from IMF

Lauren Simmonds

The IMF gives Croatia twelve very serious tasks…

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: Could Agrokor’s Collapse Be Useful For Croatia?

Lauren Simmonds

The respected German publication poses an interesting question that understandably hasn’t found itself in the forefront of the minds of ...

Popular Croatian Products Grace Shelves of Austria’s Interspar!

Lauren Simmonds

Some much loved Croatian brands find themselves on Austria’s shelves!