coronavirus croatia

Photo: Zeljko Lukunic/PIXSELL

Beroš: Statements by Individuals About Deterioration of Health System Untrue

Total Croatia News

“I wish to appeal to the media that statements by individuals about the deterioration of the health system are simply ...

Photo: Matija Habljak/PIXSELL

Opposition MP Calls for Restrictions on Unvaccinated Persons

Total Croatia News

“The campaign should be further intensified, but that will not suffice. Now is the right time to tell people that ...

Photo: Slavko Midzor/PIXSELL

Minister: Only Adequate Vaccination Rate Can Help Efforts to Contain Virus

Total Croatia News

“I will repeat for the 155th time, closing schools will not contribute to stopping this situation God knows to any ...

Photo: Matija Habljak/PIXSELL

Zagreb Schools To Go Back to Face-to-Face Classes As Of 8 November

Total Croatia News

In case the epidemiological situation in a school worsens, the city office will, in cooperation with the “Andrija Štampar” Teaching Institute for ...

Photo: Josip Regovic/PIXSELL

State Secretary: Epidemiological Situation Can Affect Preparations for Tourist Season

Total Croatia News

“This year’s tourist turnover has reached about 75% of the turnover in the record-high year 2019. We are preparing for the ...

Photo: Kristina Stedul Fabac/PIXSELL

Croatia Logs 6,310 New Infections, Highest Number So Far

Total Croatia News

On Wednesday Croatia logged 4,573 new infections and 41 related fatalities. The number of hospital beds for COVID-19 patients has ...

Photo: Kristina Stedul Fabac/PIXSELL

Croatia Registers 1,126 New Coronavirus Infections, 31 Deaths

Total Croatia News

The number of active cases today stands at 22,884, including 1,496 COVID patients in hospitals, 183 of whom are on ...


HUBOL: Situation in Hospitals Difficult, Those in Charge Are Doing Nothing

Total Croatia News

The healthcare system is disappearing, HUBOL said in a press release. The system does not exist when COVID-19 patients wait ...


Croatia Registers 3,319 New COVID-19 Cases, 22 Deaths

Total Croatia News

There are currently 1,418 COVID patients in hospitals, 170 of whom are on ventilators, and 32,398 people are self-isolating. To ...


Croatia Again Logs More Than 4,500 New COVID-19 Cases, 30 Deaths

Total Croatia News

There are currently 25,153 active cases, including 1,330 hospitalised patients, of whom 175 are on ventilators. Currently 34,838 people are self-isolating. Since the first ...