croatia business

Intersport Sold to Polish Buyer, Modiana to Goran Kristan

Total Croatia News

All segments not a part of the core business have been removed from the Mercator brand

More Employed in Industry, Productivity on the Rise

Total Croatia News

Croatian industry had 0.3% more employees this May than in April, but also 0.4% less than in May of 2015, ...

Bellabeat Owner Decides to Treat All Employees to Canary Islands Vacation

Total Croatia News

Since the summer heat in Zagreb can be intolerable, while the summer months are unproductive, they decided to move the ...

Will Brexit Expedite the Introduction of Euro Currency in Croatia?

Total Croatia News

Eight EU members who do not use Euro as a currency may have to urgently introduce the joint European currency ...

Tedeschi: We’ll See What Plenković Can do for HDZ, my Friendship With Milanović was not Beneficial

Total Croatia News

Podravka would in synergy with Atlantic Group achieve significantly higher growth rates and it is blasphemy to say it is ...

Industrial Production Rises 16 Months in a Row

Total Croatia News

Industrial production in Croatia in May rose by 1.6% on an annual level, making this the 16th month of growth, ...

Euro Bonds Repurchase Prompts a 1.8 Billion Kuna Loan

Total Croatia News

The 300 million Euro issue is being bought off a year ahead of its maturity, through domestic refinancing

If Bankers were Dumping Money out of Helicopters, Croatia Couldn’t get a Cheap Loan

Total Croatia News

Brexit – the referendum announcing the possible exit of UK from EU has rustled the world money channels. The value ...

The Harvest Begins – why won’t Croatian Wheat Ever be Cheap Enough?

Total Croatia News

A kilogram of wheat gives 70 to 80 decagrams of flour, around 60 decagrams goes into a kilo of bread. ...

Podravka, Sardina and Vindija Soften the Grim Image of Huge EU Food Import

Total Croatia News

Although export to EU markets was raised from 30.9 to 86.3 thousand tonnes, some optimism is seen in the export ...