croatia food

Warm Winter Destroying Kulen and Other Meat Delicacies

Total Croatia News

Due to high temperatures, kulen and sausages from small producers will be in short supply this year.

Slavonian Prosciutto Now Available in Austria and the Czech Republic

Total Croatia News

The ultimate goal is Japan.

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Croatian “Superheraw” Energy Bars In Demand All Over Europe

Total Croatia News

A good product finds its way to the European market.

Istrian Prosciutto Makers Hoping for Better Days Ahead

Total Croatia News

A low number of suitable pigs is the main problem for Istrian prosciutto producers.

In Croatia, 380,000 Tons of Food Thrown Away Each Year

Total Croatia News

The World Food Day is celebrated on 16 October.

Kaufland Donates Fruits and Vegetables for 24 Primary Schools for One Year

Total Croatia News

The 24 schools will receive all the fruit and vegetables their students can eat in a academic year.

Despite Low Inflation, Food Prices Soar

Total Croatia News

In a year, the price of food in Croatia rose by 2.7 percent.

Palestinian Family Opens Oriental Fast Food Outlet in Sisak

Total Croatia News

The restaurant is popular among local residents.

GoGreen Agricultural Cluster Goes Into Business with Major Retail Chain

Total Croatia News

GoGreen has delivered the first consignment of raspberries and will soon expand cooperation to other fruits and vegetables.

Croatia to Lower Import Fees for Food and Vegetables

Total Croatia News

After intense pressure from neighbouring countries, the Agriculture Ministry has decided to reverse the import fee increase.