croatian army

Croatia Buying US Military Helicopters?

Total Croatia News

In addition to new fighter jets, the Croatian Army should get new helicopters for special forces.

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Croatian Army Concludes One of Largest Military Exercises in Recent Years

Total Croatia News

The primary element of the exercise was the navy.

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Croatian Soldiers Leave for NATO Mission in Poland

Total Croatia News

While the President is travelling to Moscow to allegedly improve relations with Russia, Croatian soldiers are going to Poland to ...

Croatia Buying Israeli Weapons for Armoured Vehicles

Total Croatia News

Unlike some other ministries, the Defence Ministry’s budget grows substantially.

Government Abandons Plans for Reintroduction of Military Service

Total Croatia News

Despite announcements earlier this year, compulsory military conscription will not be reinstituted.

Croatian Army Expanding Operations Abroad, Including with NATO and Against Islamic State

Total Croatia News

The government approved four new foreign missions for the Croatian military.

Croatia Increasing Number of Professional Soldiers

Total Croatia News

The Defence Minister on plans for the development of Armed Forces.

Croatian Army Celebrates 26th Anniversary

Total Croatia News

On 28 May 1991, the first military parade of National Guard units was held.

Croatia Increasing Military Budget

Total Croatia News

Foreign Minister Stier participates in a meeting of NATO foreign ministers.

United States Donate Military Training System to Croatia

Total Croatia News

Another step in military cooperation between Croatia and the United States.