croatian news

Demographics: Significant Population Increase in Pula

Lauren Simmonds

While Croatia suffers a nationwide population crisis, Pula sees increases.

Did Serbia Give Croatia Outdated Missing Persons Data?

Lauren Simmonds

Was Vučić’s ”friendly visit” all cloaks and daggers after all?

Croatia to Pay EU More, Concrete Figures Known in May

Lauren Simmonds

As 10 billion euro per year is set to leave with the United Kingdom, the EU27 leaders discussed the European ...

Another EU Country Opens Doors to Croatian Workers

Lauren Simmonds

Another door is opened in the EU for Croatian workers.

Green Light for Knowledge: Splitska Banka Helping Less Wealthy Students Financially

Lauren Simmonds

OTP Splitska banka is helping make life a bit easier for less well off students with a welcome financial donation.

Croatia Airlines to Introduce Regular Zagreb – Mostar Line

Lauren Simmonds

Good news for those wanting a quick way from Zagreb to Mostar!

Tehnika in Minus Because of Agrokor, Bankruptcy Threatens

Lauren Simmonds

As the Agrokor snowball continues to roll, some companies are in dire straits. Due to write-offs, the Tehnika company has reported ...

Croatia Number 79 on List of Tax Havens

Lauren Simmonds

Croatia takes 79th place on the list.

Dragana Haines Vows Revenge on Husband’s Killers

Lauren Simmonds

”Bring those dogs to me.”

First Electronic Croatian Fish Market Opened!

Lauren Simmonds

Meet BuyFish Shop, the first electronic fish market in Croatia.