croatian tourism

10 Things I Learned Starting the Total Croatia Travel INFO Viber Community

Total Croatia News

 May 24, 2020 – TCN launched the Total Croatia Travel INFO Viber community 5 days ago. It has been quite ...

Copyright Romulic and Stojcic

Croatian Camps, Hotels and Resorts to Continue Opening in June

Lauren Simmonds

Things have been gradually opening up again, but when will Croatian camps, hotels and other such facilities be back into ...

319 Tourists Boards But Nobody to Answer Urgent Tourist Travel Questions to Croatia

Total Croatia News

May 23, 2020 – After weeks of incompetence, the Kings of Accidental Tourism seemed to have finally got some coherent ...

Copyright Romulic and Stojcic

Croatian Travel Agencies Worry About Life After Government Measures End

Lauren Simmonds

As Marija Crnjak/Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 22nd of May, 2020, so far, as many as 80 percent of clients ...

Source Croatian Ministry of Tourism website.

More Official Travel Advice as Ministry of Tourism Answers TCN Questions

Total Croatia News

May 22, 2020 – Update travel advice from the Croatian Ministry of Tourism following a TCN media request (republished in ...

Jebote! As Greece Restarts Tourism, Croatia Lauds Conference Success, in a Pandemic

Total Croatia News

May 22, 2020 – A tale of two realities – what are Greece and Croatia telling the world about restarting ...

Pixabay 48% of Croats Want to Travel within Croatia, Apartments Most Popular

Daniela Rogulj

May 22, 2020 – Although travel plans are currently on hold, data collected by reveals that this has not ...

Copyright Romulic and Stojcic

New York Times Lists Dubrovnik Among 11 “Changed” Global Destinations

Lauren Simmonds

The New York Times has published something about the famous Dalmatian city that nobody would have ever expected before coronavirus ...

Copyright Romulic and Stojcic

After Easing Coronavirus Measures, Around 8700 Tourists Arrive in Croatia

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 19th of May, 2020, during the first week of the easing of the measures ...

Croatian Tourist Board SPAMGate: Update and Can I Transparently Publish the Results?

Total Croatia News

May 19, 2020 – An update to TCN’s mailshot to Croatia’s 319 tourists boards, and am I allowed to publish ...