croatian tourism

National Tourist Board Launches Croatia Long-Distance Love Campaign

Total Croatia News

April 22, 2020 – The Croatian National Tourist Board launches a new campaign in the corona era, hashtag Croatia Long-Distance ...

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Self-Isolation as It Once Was & How Croatian Tourism Can Compete on Price

Total Croatia News

April 21, 2020 – The Adriatic sea, self-isolation as it once was. As we dare to dream of a possible ...

Gari Cappelli: Croatian Tourism Will No Longer be the Same

Lauren Simmonds

When it comes to the hospitality industry and the closing of restaurants across Croatia, Croatian Tourism Minister Gari Cappelli says ...

Croatian Inspectors Seal 20 Restaurants Contrary to Tourism Ministry Instructions

Total Croatia News

April 20, 2020 – Glas Poduzetnika demands to enable the operation of Croatian entrepreneurs’ restaurants. The sad fact is that ...

Tourism Minister Gari Cappelli on Restarting Businesses, Private Renters, and More

Daniela Rogulj

April 19, 2020 – Croatian Tourism Minister Gari Cappelli talks about what Croatian tourism can expect this year and the ...

Good News from Germany: Croatia on Radar for Tourists Traveling by Car

Daniela Rogulj

April. 19, 2020 – Will there be any tourism this summer? This is the golden question being asked not only in ...

Coronavirus Answering Real Estate and Overtourism Issues – Brutally

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Marija Crnjak writes on the 16th of April, 2020, there is no doubt that the current coronavirus pandemic ...

Dealing with COVID-19: Small Tourist Business Stories from Split

Total Croatia News

April 13, 2020 – How are small tourism businesses dealing with COVID-19 in Croatia? TCN’s UNESCO correspondent on the changing ...

Will Travel Vouchers Save Croatian Tourism? A Closer Look

Daniela Rogulj

April 13, 2020 – Will travel vouchers save Croatian tourism? A look at how one travel agency’s campaign is fighting ...


Glas Poduzetnika Survey on Croatian Tourist Season 2020 Status

Total Croatia News

April 12, 2020 – While nobody now expects a strong Croatian tourism season, what is the actual situation with bookings. ...