cruise ship traffic
Dubrovnik to Introduce Daily Tax for Cruise Ship Passengers
Lauren Simmonds
Cruise ships are a doubled-edged sword for Dubrovnik, and it seems resolving matters isn’t quite as straight forward as one ...
Crowds A Thing Of The Past? Dubrovnik Will Finally Limit Cruisers
Lauren Simmonds
Has Dubrovnik finally got its cruise ship problem under proper control? It would appear so!
List of Cities to ”Avoid” Contains Dubrovnik
Lauren Simmonds
Dubrovnik is becoming a victim of its own success, and its placing on a less than desirable list of ”places ...
UNESCO Director Issues Warning to Dubrovnik Over Cruise Ship Damage
Lauren Simmonds
Another warning from UNESCO to the Pearl of Adriatic on the damage cruise ships are causing to the southern Adriatic ...
Franković Remains Firm, Sends Letter to Cruise Lines International Association
Lauren Simmonds
”We stand firmly behind the claim that Dubrovnik cannot accommodate more than four thousand passengers at the same time.”

Number of Cruise Ship Passengers in Zadar On the Rise
Total Croatia News
Cruise ship traffic is on the steady rise thanks to the new port in Gaženica, which is becoming a successful ...