
Fine Dining: Pantarul

Total Croatia News

Guided by the idea of welcoming guests as if they were coming to someone’s house, Pantarul restaurant quickly made its ...

Kilos of Floating Marijuana Found in Dubrovnik

Lauren Simmonds

People sometimes claim to be living the ”high life” when enjoying the varying levels of luxury in Dubrovnik, but until ...

Jamie Foxx, Taking Home Break Time Souvenirs from Croatia

Total Croatia News

Famous Hollywood actor Jamie Foxx – who was in Dubrovnik for the past two weeks, filming for the new Robin ...

Wine Bars in Croatia: Razonoda in Dubrovnik

Total Croatia News

Free Guided Tours in Dubrovnik Until End of March

Lauren Simmonds

Have you ever walked past that statue or filled your water bottle from that fountain but had no idea what ...

5 Things in Dubrovnik Most Tourists Miss

Total Croatia News

We are delighted to welcome Jelena Tamindzija to the TCN team on March 3, 2017. Jelena will be working primarily ...

Dubrovnik City Walls

Total Croatia News

Considered as one of the most impressive series of defensive stone walls in the world, the main landmark of Dubrovnik ...

The Foundry Museum (Gornji Ugao)

Total Croatia News

Nestled in the Old Town of Dubrovnik, this uniquely preserved industrial zone is situated under the Fort Minceta with which ...

Dubrovnik Synagogue

Total Croatia News

The oldest Sephardi synagogue in the world and the second oldest synagogue in Europe is said to have been established ...

Cathedral Treasury

Total Croatia News

The Treasury of the Dubrovnik Cathedral, also known as Riznica Katedrale in Croatian, is an impressive reliquary museum that showcases ...