
Croatian Companies Establish Market Connection of 1.4 Billion People

Lauren Simmonds

27 Croatian companies are also part of the historic Chinese international import fair. As Marija Brnic/Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the ...

Croatian Economy: Alarming Employment Problems Continue

Lauren Simmonds

Croatia is a paradoxical country in many senses, and that is a sentence that has been written many times over ...

Housing and Cash Loans: Croats Borrowing Credit More

Lauren Simmonds

The trends appear to show that people in Croatia are borrowing more and more credit, mainly for housing and cash ...

Croatian Fishermen Given Welcome EU Exemptions

Lauren Simmonds

Croatian fishermen will have their lives and their work made much easier owing to the approval of exemptions for fishing ...

Good Tourist Season Boosts Croatian Telecom’s Profitability

Lauren Simmonds

Croatian Telecom rides on the back of a good tourist season as their profitability continues to grow. As Bernard Ivezic/Poslovni ...

Agrokor’s “Plumes” Enjoy Good Business with 4 Billion Kuna Revenue

Lauren Simmonds

Despite Agrokor’s many woes, things appear to be on the up owing to the extraordinary administration under government appointed commissioner, ...

Tax Administration Reveals Uncomfortable Truth About “Average Wage” in Croatia

Lauren Simmonds

Money isn’t something most people are usually that willing to openly discuss, but there are times when one needs to ...

Doing Business in Croatia: Sun and Sea Aren’t Enough to Attract Investors

Lauren Simmonds

Doing business in Croatia is always a hot topic, especially when it comes to listing the long list of negative ...

How Much Does Average Croat Have Deposited in the Bank?

Lauren Simmonds

Finances are something that are constantly on every adult’s mind to some degree or another, but just how much does ...

Economic Boost: BAT Considering Moving Production to Croatia?

Lauren Simmonds

As Darko Bicak/Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 29th of October, 2018, in neighbouring Bosnia and Herzegovina, more than 40 percent ...