gault & millau

gaultandmillau croatia

Gault&Millau Croatia 2024 Awards Trophies to Best Croatian Chefs & Restaurants

Total Croatia News

April the 19th, 2024 – The seventh edition of the Gault&Millau Croatia 2024 international guide was formally presented at a ...

Photo credits - individual restaurant social media pages

Meet Gault & Millau Top 12 Zagreb Restaurants, 3 Best Newcomers

Total Croatia News

“Oh, and the FOOD.” It is a sentence I have heard a lot in the last 12 months talking to ...

Marko Lukunic/PIXSELL

Zagreb and Zagreb County Gault & Millau Guide Released for First Time

Daniela Rogulj

At the initiative of the Zagreb Tourist Board (TZGZ) and in cooperation with the Zagreb County Tourist Board (TZZŽ), Zagreb ...

International Taste the Mediterranean Festival by Gault&Millau on Hvar

Total Croatia News

The sixth edition of the international Taste the Mediterranean festival will take place in the town of Hvar, on the ...

Gault&Millau Awards Croatia’s Best Restaurants and Chefs

Daniela Rogulj

The Gault&Millau annual awards highlighting Croatia’s best chefs, restaurants, and culinary philosophies were presented at the Zagreb Esplanade hotel on ...

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Gault & Millau Croatia and Kotanyi Announce Cooperation

Total Croatia News

At the Kotanyi Gourmet Club in Zagreb, the co-operation between Kotányi and the world’s leading guide Gault & Millau Croatia ...

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Gault&Millau Culinary Spectacle Coming to Zagreb

Total Croatia News

On March 5, the Esplanade Hotel in Zagreb will host a major culinary spectacle. The chef of the best hotel ...

Croatia’s First ‘Gault & Millau’ Restaurant Guide Presented in Zagreb!

Daniela Rogulj

The prestigious restaurant guide is finally in Croatia!

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Prestigious Gault & Millau Restaurant Guide to Get Croatian Edition

Total Croatia News

Prestigious international restaurant guide Gault & Millau will soon be available in Croatia.