guinness world record

Croatian Diver Budimir Šobat Featured in Guinness World Records for Longest-Ever Breath Hold!
Total Croatia News
A new world record for static apnea free-diving has been set in a pool in Sisak, Croatia, on the 27th ...
Young Croat Breaks Guinness World Record in Zagreb!
Daniela Rogulj
A young Croat has broken the Guinness World Record for pushing a 730 kg car with a driver inside through ...

Hold Your Breath for 24 Minutes, Budimir Šobat Dares You
Total Croatia News
The story is more than just competitive: his dive is part of the “Not Breathing” drive to support the Autism ...
Renaissance Festival in Koprivnica Breaks Guinness Record in Mass Applying of Perfume!
Total Croatia News
The city of Koprivnica staged a historical spectacle this weekend
Thousand of Ivans to Meet and Try to Enter Guinness Book of Records
Total Croatia News
People named Ivan will meet at the Kupres Field and try to break a world record.
New Guinness World Record Set by Croatian Diver
Total Croatia News
The undertaking was joined by Vitomir Maričić, a fellow free diver, setting together a new record in tandem free diving ...
The Longest Strudel Gets the Official Guinness World Record Certificate
Total Croatia News
Strudel record brings media and more visitors to the Green Heart of Croatia.