history croatia

© HGSS - Hrvatska Gorska Služba Spašavanja

Croatian Mountain Rescue Service Book Presented by Ivo Pilar Social Research Institute in Gospić

Total Croatia News

With many tourists and visitors (and Croats too), not being too careful when going on ”their little adventures” up mountains ...

screenshot / Hrvatska radiotelevizija

PM Andrej Plenković: 32 Years After Founding HDZ Remains Strongest Political Party

Total Croatia News

At the start of day-long events commemorating the party’s 32nd anniversary, HDZ officials, led by Plenković, paid their respects at Zagreb’s Mirogoj ...


Mass-Scale Emigration From Croatia Has Led To Rise in Corruption – Study Finds

Total Croatia News

The study showed that corruption and emigration were interrelated. Jurić compared corruption and migration trends from 2012 to 2020, notably ...


Ruđer Bošković Institute Chemist Team Makes Progress in Life Formation Research

Total Croatia News

Science explores our present reality, but also the past. With many knowledge or credible theories on evolution, the very basic ...


Cultural Identity of Vukovar: New Book Presented in Vukovar

Total Croatia News

After being published back in April this year, the book „Cultural Identity of Vukovar – Contribution to Investigating Heritage and ...

© Al Jazeera Balkans

War Criminal Ratko Mladić Handed Down Final Verdict of Life Imprisonment

Total Croatia News

The information was conveyed to reporters in The Hague by Murat Tahirović, president of the BiH Association of Genocide Victims ...


Croatia Celebrating Statehood Day

Total Croatia News

This year Statehood Day is being observed on the 31st anniversary of the inauguration of Croatia’s first democratic and multi-party ...

© Marin Ilej/UNICEF

Friends of Croatia: UNICEF – Croatia an Example to the World When it Comes to Breastfeeding

Total Croatia News

To ensure that our world even stays the same, let alone improves, new generations are essential. But, before they grow ...

Afta Putta Gunawan: Pexels

Youth Day Marked in Kumrovec

Total Croatia News

SABA leader Franjo Habulin said that this year, due to the coronavirus epidemic, people gathered in Kumrovec spontaneously to remember Youth ...

© Ratko Mavar / Institut Ruđer Bošković

Ruđer Bošković Institute (IRB) Open Doors in 2021: Virtual Event To Present Science to Public in May

Total Croatia News

With the pandemic still causing havoc, events happen either with a limited number of visitors or in the virtual world. ...