
Descendant of Famous Russian Family to Put Istrian Castle on Wine and Tourism Map

Lauren Simmonds

One Russian who has fallen in love with Istria and all things wine is set to place one old castle ...

86 Million Euro Solar Project For One Croatian Municipality

Lauren Simmonds

Solar panels are the future, and a particularly bright one (no pun intended) for one Croatian municipality.

450 Million Kuna Investment for Istria’s Campsites

Lauren Simmonds

A wad of cash for some of Istria’s campsites.

Tourism At The Top: Another Big Investment For Medvednica

Lauren Simmonds

Along with the construction of a city cable car, OiV is investing in a viewpoint, a rotating restaurant and other ...

Arriva Deutsche Bahn Invests Another 40 Million Kuna Into Panturist

Lauren Simmonds

After taking over Rijeka’s Autotrans, the German corporation is also strengthening the Panturist company in Osijek.

Will Pula’s Sv. Katarina Marina Be Finished On Time?

Lauren Simmonds

Will Pula’s neglected side finish its makeover in time?

Investors Reserve Three Billion Euro for Croatia – It Depends On Us

Lauren Simmonds

Croatia and investment. Chalk and cheese.

Osijek: Ericsson Nikola Tesla to Open New Centre and Employ 300 People

Lauren Simmonds

An 18 million kuna project for Ericsson Nikola Tesla will undoubtedly result in an economic boost and further employment opportunities.

300 Million Kuna for Accommodation Facilities on Krk

Lauren Simmonds

A considerable tourism boost for Krk!

8.3 Million Kuna for Construction of Incubator in Ploče

Lauren Simmonds

Dubrovnik-Neretva County will be collecting project bids until April the 11th, 2018.