kuna euro

80-100 Million Euro Costs for Croatian Banks to Switch to Euro
As Poslovni Dnevnik/Jadranka Dozan writes, based on the Action Plan for the Adjustment of the Financial System to the Introduction ...

Euro Introduction Referendum: 157 Thousand Signatures Collected in Zagreb
Marko Milanović Litre, Member of Parliament of the Croatian Sovereignists and a representative of the Organizing Committee of the euro ...

Switching Kuna Cash for Euros – Time Limits Vary for Coins and Notes
As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, last Friday, at a Eurogroup meeting in the Slovenian capital city of Ljubljana, a “Memorandum of ...

Croatian National Bank Pumps 900 Million Kuna into System
As Poslovni Dnevnik/Ana Blaskovic writes, for the second time this year, the Croatian National Bank has needed to intervene in ...

Zagreb Stock Exchange Indices, Turnover Up
The Crobex rose by 0.35% to 1,887.88 points and the Crobex10 by 0.21% to 1,185.88 points. The main indices rose for the ...
Got a Loan? Croatian Kuna Strongest in Six Years
Got a loan? You can breathe easy, at least for now…
Exchange Rate: Kuna’s Current Position Favourable for Loans Tied to Euro
The currently strong kuna favors all those who have euro-denominated loans owing to the reduction in repayment rates.
“Kuna Devaluation Would Create 100,000 New Jobs”
One influential Croatian businessman believes that Croatian currency is overvalued.
Croatian National Bank Launches Study on Introduction of Euro
Not very many countries are happy with the euro, but Croatia is thinking about joining the eurozone anyway.