obonjan riviera

Something New Coming to Obonjan Island, 140 Workers Sought
Lauren Simmonds
As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, Zeljko Perekovic became the owner of the tourist company “Obonjan Riviera” last year, and he appointed ...
Obonjan Revival: 80% of Accommodation Capacities Booked through September
Total Croatia News
Several investors have joined forces to transform the Dalmatian island into a lively desirable destination
Obonjan Island Expands Capacity, Welcomes Business Tourism
Daniela Rogulj
With the arrival of the first guests expected in mid-June, another season begins on the island of Obonjan – a ...
Obonjan Riviera Opening a Flop
Total Croatia News
On Thursday, July 28, Obonjan island near Šibenik was due to host the first group of three hundred British tourists ...
Photos: Sneak Peek of Obonjan Riviera Party and Wellness Oasis
Total Croatia News
Obonjan Riviera will open mid July 2016 and employ 180 people from Šibenik and surrounding areas.