
A Bear Seen on Pelješac for the First Time!

Total Croatia News

People of Pelješac are hospitable folk, used to wanting to give their best to their guests. But, there are some ...

Second Biospeleological Expedition Begins on Pelješac Peninsula

Lauren Simmonds

Pelješac is home to much more than just stunning views, golden sunsets and incredible wine, as if that wasn’t enough. ...

Deadline Extensions, Appeals and Problems for Pelješac Bridge Access Roads

Lauren Simmonds

The Pelješac Bridge saga continues, and deadlines for various parts of the job, be it on the bridge itself or ...

Dubrovnik Highway: Talk of 800 Million Euro Project Reignited

Lauren Simmonds

After a decade of silence and complete inactivity, the Croatian Government is moving once again towards the temptation of a ...

Pelješac Bridge Under Construction as Access Roads Lag Behind

Lauren Simmonds

The Chinese need to have Pelješac bridge completed in just over thirty months time (by July 2021), but what of ...

”Secrets of Ston’s Underworld” Speleological Research Begins on Pelješac

Lauren Simmonds

What secrets does the Municipality of Ston hide underground?

Consequences of Pelješac Fire: Rocks and Mud Hit Roads

Lauren Simmonds

First fires raged through Peljesac, now the rain is causing issues.

Horrible Pelješac Fire as Seen from Korčula

Total Croatia News

This summer season seemed to have been free of major wildfires in Croatia. 

Dramatic Wildfire on Pelješac, Citizens and Tourists Evacuated (VIDEO)

Total Croatia News

This might be the worst wildfire in Croatia this year.

New Ultra Luxury Hotel Opens in Orebić

Total Croatia News

The new hotel is one of the most luxurious ones in Croatia, with rates of up to 21,000 euro a ...