
A Week in Croatian Politics – Corruption, Energy Prices and VAT
Plenkovic made leaking information an act punishable by law last month, and it’s proved wholly unpopular Index writes that the ...

A Week in Croatian Politics – Inheritance, Ukrainian Solders and Corruption
Plenkovic’s latest asset card shows he inherited 80,000 euros The topic of asset cards which showcase what politicians own in ...

A Week in Croatian Politics – INA, Russians and Sylvester Stallone
HDZ earns its second worst rating since Andrej Plenkovic has been at the helm of the party HDZ hasnt done ...

As Peljesac Bridge Opens, Does HDZ or SDP Deserve the Most Praise?
As Faktograf/Sanja Despot writes, with both HDZ and SDP having played their respective roles, Peljesac bridge opens not only itself, ...

Bauk: Referendum Changes, Abortion Rights to Enter Constitution One Way or Another
Speaking after a meeting between HDZ representatives and left MPs on constitutional changes, Bauk said the changes pertaining to referenda ...

SDP Leader Says Government Unwilling to Amend Labour Act
“According to recent EU statistics, Croatia is close to the bottom of the EU ranking in terms of employment and ...

SDP Condemns Statement by War Veterans Minister’s Envoy
The SDP also called on the government to distance itself from Raos’ statement. Earlier on Sunday, during a ceremony at ...

SDP Main Committee Says Government Should Resign
Crises can no longer be an alibi for politically unsuccessful action, Main Committee chair Marija Lugarić told the press. The ...

Grbin: Election Only Salvation for Croatia
“Today, after more than 20 years, a member of the Croatian government has been arrested. A minister who is in ...

MPs Criticise Grbin for Taking a Living Away from Home Allowance
“Everyone answers for themselves but how can Grbin claim that he can run the country if he can’t say where he ...