
Political Parties Ready for New Parliamentary Season

Total Croatia News

What did Croatia’s political parties do during the holiday break?

MP Tomislav Saucha, Key Member of Ruling Majority, Indicted

Total Croatia News

The controversial member of Parliament changed sides earlier this year, leaving SDP and starting to vote with the parliamentary majority.

Government Survives No Confidence Vote in Parliament

Total Croatia News

The no-confidence motion was rejected with 59 votes in favour and 78 against.

Opposition Joining Forces for Next Elections?

Total Croatia News

Opposition parties are getting ready to cooperate for the next three elections coming up in 2019 and 2020.

Ante Ramljak Files Lawsuit: ”Bernardić Persistently Repeating Series Of Untruths”

Lauren Simmonds

Agrokor’s government appointed extraordinary commissioner has filed a lawsuit against SDP’s Davor Bernardić.

Opposition Lacking Votes to Bring Down Government

Total Croatia News

Even SDP does not believe it will manage to provoke the fall of the government but says the goal is ...

SDP to File Motion of No Confidence against Government due to Agrokor?

Total Croatia News

Latest revelations about a loan agreement between Agrokor and a US investment fund have caused an uproar.

Zdravko Marić Announces Lawsuit Against SDP’s Gordan Maras: ”He’s Exceeded Every Measure”

Lauren Simmonds

The finance minister isn’t happy, and it seems Gordan Maras’ bold statements might have come back to bite him.

SDP’s Gordan Maras ”Invites” Todorić to First Session of Commission for Agrokor

Lauren Simmonds

The somewhat outspoken Maras appeared petty to some…

Largest Parties Agree on Agrokor Committee, Constitutional Court

Total Croatia News

After weeks of negotiations, HDZ and SDP will tomorrow finally vote on two critical issues.