slavonia and baranja

Drops of Slavonia and the Danube Region
November 7, 2024 – Once upon a time, there were four wine regions in Croatia… and all four are still ...

Advents in Slavonia Bringing Enchanting Atmosphere and Exciting Events
Adventiranje Osijek Advent Osijek official website The long-awaited Adventiranje in Osijek is officially kicking off on the 2nd of December at ...

Cvarakfest Karanac: Slavonia and Baranja in a Nutshell
As SiB writes, like every year, the fattest and tastiest festival in the region awaits on the last Saturday in ...

Wine Tourism in Slavonia and Baranja: Interest Surpassing Capacities
As Poslovni writes, there are no wine hotels, museums, entertainment facilities, or wine roads. However, the interest of potential guests ...

4th, Royal HeadOnEast Festival to Showcase Best of Slavonia and Baranja
As proclaimed by the County Tourist Board, Hedonism is in the east! The three-day entertainment event, aptly named “HeadOnEast” or ...

Season 2022, Mission Year-Round Tourism: Vukovar Well on the Way
CNTB has been working to stregthen continental tourism, and Vukovar is a step ahead. As they put it in the ...

Osijek Software City – Best Place on the Planet for Family Life
As RTL writes, Osijek is a city where IT companies produce good software. Where do you acquire the necessary knowledge ...

Discover the Croatian Danube: Fishing Village of Aljmaš (part 2)
Photo: Aljmaška ribarska noć Every village has its traditions. They are usually tied to the big holidays or otherwise important ...

Rent a What in Slavonia? Rental Cars Nowhere to be Found
The news that it is currently impossible to rent a car in Osijek sounded a bit unreal, comments Glas Slavonije. ...

OPG Čudesna šuma: Paradise Reimagined in Beautiful, Traditional Baranja
War and genocide and the aftermath. Famine. Disease. Death. In a former life, harrowing images filled the lens of internationally ...