social care croatia

Croatian Care Home Costs Set to Rise by 20% as Inflation Continues
Lauren Simmonds
As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, small pensions and long waiting lists for Croatian care homes have long since been an uncomfortable ...

How Do Other Croatian Cities Compare to Zagreb’s 29 Social Programmes?
Lauren Simmonds
As Marina Klepo/Novac writes, stabilising the capital city’s finances will be difficult without interfering with the acquired rights and expenditures ...

Chamber: Social Worker Didn’t Error in Case of 2.5-Year-Old Child
Total Croatia News
The expert evaluation of the work of the social worker shows that she did not make mistakes or omissions which ...

President Zoran Milanović: Social Care Must Be a Separate Department
Total Croatia News
“Yet another tragedy, the death of a girl from Nova Gradiška, caused by domestic violence, has again raised the issue ...
Number of Social Assistance Users in Croatia Drops Because of Emigration
Lauren Simmonds
As Novac/Marina Klepo writes on the 26th of October, 2019, in Croatia last year, the guaranteed minimum benefit (which is ...