total zagreb

Tourism: September Remains Three Times Weaker Than August

Lauren Simmonds

While Zagreb out-shined its coastal rivals by far, the post-August drop is still steep.

Croatia’s Algebra LAB Passes European Commission Evaluation

Lauren Simmonds

Excellent news for one innovative Croatian company as the European Commission gives them an official nod of approval.

Zagreb’s Franjo Tuđman Airport Breaks Records

Lauren Simmonds

Despite the airport’s record breaking results, a minus of as much as 54 million kuna remains…

Smoke in Cabin Sees Plane Land in Zagreb

Lauren Simmonds

An unexpected visitor for Zagreb Airport.

Zagreb’s Milan Bandić Wants Another Garage in Centre

Lauren Simmonds

”I don’t need it because I’ve already got one, but the citizens [of Zagreb] need it.”

In a Mix of Growth and Stagnation, Can Post-Season be Relied Upon?

Lauren Simmonds

At the end of the year, the economic effects of this year’s tourism season will be known thanks to the ...

Germans Purchase Zagreb Company

Lauren Simmonds

The company has more than 800 employees and has now undergone a name change.

Former Zagreb Military Hospital Building to Become Home for Musicians

Lauren Simmonds

A breath of new musical life for one former military hospital building located on Zagreb’s Vlaška.

Bandić Refuses To Apologise For Claiming He’d Be Best Woman Because He ”Gives It To Everyone”

Lauren Simmonds

Zagreb’s mayor Milan Bandić has refused to apologise for the eyebrow-raising remark that many have deemed to have been sexist.

New Central Location and New Brand for Croatian Health Food Outlet

Lauren Simmonds

Fancy something a bit healthier? You’ve now got more options.