
Time Travel is Possible with ”Zagreb Time Travel” – First AR and VR Tour!

Lauren Simmonds

Fancy taking a trip back through time in Croatia’s capital city? Now you can!

Ten Million Kuna for Cyclotourism Development in Croatia

Lauren Simmonds

Good news for lovers of active tourism!

”When The Season Comes, I Don’t Look For Work, Work Looks For Me”

Lauren Simmonds

There are some black stories around when it comes to the state of things workwise in Croatia, but for some, ...

Tourist Establishments in Panic, No Workers Despite Wage Increase?

Lauren Simmonds

You just can’t get the staff. Or can you? It depends…

Croatia Airlines Pilots to Strike at Beginning of Tourist Season?

Lauren Simmonds

Rather unwelcome news for most, but will it happen?

Number of Tourist Arrivals and Overnight Stays Increases

Lauren Simmonds

During the long weekend period from April the 27th to May the 1st, 2018, there were 369,000 arrivals and 1.1 ...

Tourist Facilities in Motovun Dissatisfied with 30 Percent Less Traffic

Lauren Simmonds

In recent years, the annual total of daily visitors has been estimated at 400,000.

Medulin Continues to Rapidly Improve Standard of Living

Lauren Simmonds

While the top Croatian municipalities by the number of overnight stays are Zadar, Split, Lošinj, and Opatija, Medulin continues to ...

Tourism Is Most Important Sector, But How Much Are We Making?

Lauren Simmonds

How well is the Croatian economy actually doing owing to tourism? Despite the constant talks and praise, it would seem ...

First High Category Hotel Worth 20 Million Kuna Opens in Čakovec

Lauren Simmonds

A new addition for Medjimurje.