zagreb city assembly

Zagreb To Take €50m Loan For Liquidity Of City-Owned Companies
Thirty million of the 50 million euro loan will be used to improve the liquidity of the Zagreb Holding multiutility conglomerate ...

Zagreb Opposition Strongly Against Plans To Cancel Stay-at-Home Parent Scheme
HDZ deputy and HDZ Zagreb city branch leader Mislav Herman said on behalf of the HDZ/HSLS group that the announced ...

Bridge: Zagreb Administration Dealing With Personnel, Instead of People’s Problems
Speaking at a press conference, MP Zvonimir Troskot said the management and supervisory boards in city companies “are changing faster than ...

First Working Session of Zagreb City Assembly Begins
The club of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) and the Croatian Social Liberal Party (HSLS) disagrees with the proposal to ...

SDP Leader Peđa Grbin: Majority in Zagreb City Assembly to be Formed, Zagreb Branch Dissolved
Addressing a news conference on decisions adopted at a session of the party leadership on Tuesday, Grbin said that the ...

ZET, ZG Holding, Zagreb Trade Fair Centre Post H1 Losses
ZAGREB, November 2, 2020 – Deputies in the Zagreb City Assembly on Monday adopted reports on the business results of ...