
Ivan Mrvoš Smart Benches Arrive at Britanski Trg

Total Croatia News

After the first solar bench designed by Ivan Mrvoš, 21-year-old entrepreneur from Solin, was installed in front of the University ...

Zagreb Welcomes Spring

Total Croatia News

People of Zagreb have already started noticing the first signs of spring – warm weather, blooming magnolias on Tomislav square, ...

Teresa Forcades, the Most Radical Nun in Europe, Coming to Zagreb

Total Croatia News

Teresa Forcades is an icon of European left.

Zagreb Named One of Business Insider’s Top off the Beaten Path Destinations in Europe

Total Croatia News

“Less known than Paris and Rome, Zagreb, Valletta, and Skopje make great travel destinations.“ is how Business Insider introduces their ...

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Croatian Project “Healthy Meal Standard” Wins Prestigious Award

Total Croatia News

The award was presented by the Mediterranean Tourism Foundation.

Scott Bradlee’s Postmodern Jukebox in Zagreb

Total Croatia News

When you search for Scott Bradlee’s Postmodern Jukebox hits on iTunes, you get the following questions: How did Miley Cyrus’ ...

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Meet the People of Zagreb: Ivan Klindić, Photographer and the Face of Zagreb

Total Croatia News

If the phrase “Face of the City” rings a bell, you probably read about the site and saw some great ...

Meeple’s Corner: Board Games in Italian on Thursdays

Total Croatia News

If you love playing board games and foreign languages, like Italian, Udruga Igranje (Board Game Association from Zagreb), has just ...

Zagreb County Gives Support to GoGreen and eKupi Project

Daniela Rogulj

Zagreb County has given their support for the e-sales project between GoGreen and eKupi.

Free Spring Flower Educational Tours at Maksimir

Total Croatia News

Croatian Environment Agency and Public Institution Maksimir are organizing educational tours to get to know spring flowers of Croatia and ...