zeljko kerum

Adris Group Rapidly Working to Begin Hotel Marjan Renovation in Split
The new tourist season is approaching, and Hotel Marjan is no different than the last fifteen years – or defunct ...
Kerum Selling Famous Drnis Prosciutto Factory for 12 Million Kuna
The failed Kerum trade chain is selling off its property in the area of the inland Dalmatian town of Drnis, ...
Famous Split Eyesore Hotel Marjan Sold to Adris Group for Over HRK 324 Million
August 19, 2019 – The sale of Hotel Marjan to the Adris Group means that this former tourist pearl and ...
Hotel Marjan, Split’s Famous Eyesore, Finally Ready to be Sold
Split’s wishes have finally come true. Hotel Marjan, once a symbol of the Dalmatian capital which for the last 11 ...
SpongeBob Gets More Votes than Split Mayor
A high number of spoiled ballots in Split has prompted an investigation.

Croatian Politicians Love Commemorative Plaques in Their Own Honour
There are a lot of things for which you can accuse Croatian politicians, but being modest certainly is not one ...
Is Adris Grupa Taking Over Hotel Marjan in Split?
Could this be the end of the neverending saga surrounding the sale of Željko Kerum’s unfinished life project?
Split City Council Votes in Favour of Buying an Overpriced Company
One wonders whether anything will be left in the city after Baldasar’s reign
From Citizen Buildings to Day After Yesterday – Tradition of Croatian Political Bloopers
Here is our top ten list
Kerum Keeps it All in the Family for Elections
Another party joins the election race in Croatia