Zoran Milanović

Copyright Romulić and Stojčić

Milanovic: Croatia Must be Country with Great Climate Ambitions

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, Dec 12, 2020 – Although it is a small country, Croatia must be a country with great climate ambitions, President ...

Source: Pixabay

Croatian President: Dayton Deal Can’t Be Amended Without All 3 Peoples’ Consent

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, Dec 12, 2020 – Croatian President Zoran Milanovic said on Friday that the amending of the Dayton Peace Accords or ...

Source: Pixabay

President Ready to Get Vaccinated in Public to Show Importance of Vaccination

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, December 4, 2020 – President Zoran Milanovic thinks that all Croatian citizens should get vaccinated against COVID-19 and is ...

Source: Pixabay

Milanovic Talks With Federation of Associations for Mental Health

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, November 30, 2020 – President Zoran Milanovic on Monday received a delegation of associations for mental health to discuss an initiative to ...

Source: Pexels

‘From Earthquake to Earthquake 1880-2020’ Exhibition Opens

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, November 25, 2020 – An exhibition called “From Earthquake to Earthquake 1880-2020″ was opened at the Museum of Arts ...

Source: Pexels

Croatian President Says we All Should Get Vaccinated

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, November 25, 2020 – President Zoran Milanovic said on Tuesday that the he was in favour of vaccinating the ...

Source: Pixabay

President Milanovic Lays Wreath at Ovcara Memorial

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, November 18, 2020 – On the occasion of Homeland War Victims Remembrance Day and Vukovar and Skabrnja Victims Remembrance ...

President Zoran Milanovic Says Impressions of Brodosplit Shipyard Good

Lauren Simmonds

As Morski writes on the 14th of November, 2020, recently, Croatian President Zoran Milanovic, accompanied by his associates, visited the ...


Milanovic: It is People, not Political Elites that Make up Remembrance Procession

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, Nov 14, 2020 – The President’s Office issued a press release on Saturday ahead of the Remembrance Day commemoration ...


Reforestation of Mountains Overlooking Split Continues

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, Nov 14, 2020 – Boranka, the biggest volunteer fire site reforestation drive in Croatia, resumed in the Split hinterland on Saturday, ...