Galić wines in Miva Wine Gallery

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The Slavonian Galić winery presented wines soon to be on the market in Miva Wine Gallery.



The 2015 vintage is said to be impressive: “Our 2015 harvest was one of those great ones in the Kutjevo vineyards, to be remembered with a smile. Plenty of sun, sometimes a bit too much having us worried about drought taking a toll. But, as is with great harvests, rain arrived in the right, actually the last moment.” – said famed winemaker Josip Galić.


The greatest feat is determining the moment of harvest for each sort. Each sort in a particular vineyard or location has exactly one day which is best for harvesting. The winning philosophy, that brings in the results and market recognition, is that in the wine making process Galić winery seeks to preserve what nature has given to a vineyard without a lot of intervention and modification of young wines. That way they cherish it and prepare the wine for the market.


“A great devotion to every sort, timely harvest and top notch technology have resulted in new wine creations.” – pointed out Andrej Markulin, Galić winery Board President.


We were guided through the tasting ritual of new wine creations by Slaven Jelićić, the enologist of Galić winery.

Continued we bring you his descriptions of these wines:


Graševina 2015

A selection of Graševina sorts from our best positions in Podgorje, Vetovo, Radovanci. A decent and refined smell of flowery (meadow flowers, chamomile, acacia flowers) and fruity (green apple, pineapple, peach) tones completes a delicate taste of vivacious acids, full bodied with a long aftertaste.


Sauvignon Blanc 2015

Sauvignon Blanc easily wins over any connoisseur and true devotee of this wonderful sort. Exquisite aromas of elder intertwine with soft tones of tropical fruits and citrus aromas of grapefruit spiced with green traces of paprika and green grass.


Rose 2015

The salmon rose color makes it a world standard Rose. The smell is attractive to complement the color. The Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Black Pinot sorts which make up this Rose have characteristic fruit notes of raspberries, strawberries and forest fruits. The wine has a fresh taste, playful acids and elegant body.


Besides these wines, we also tasted a Chardonnay, and excellent Black Pinot and the great White 9 and Black 9.


Original article in Croatian.


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