Trogir Cultural Summer Enjoys Record Number of Visitors

Lauren Simmonds

trogir cultural summer

September the 17th, 2024 – The popular Trogir Cultural Summer/Trogirsko Kulturno Ljeto manifestation has seen record numbers of visitors this year.

Trogir is widely known as Croatia’s living museum, and that isn’t without a very good reason. This magnificent and still somewhat overlooked Dalmatian city (in comparison to the likes of Dubrovnik and nearby Split, that is), is a gem that has it all. The sheer number of visitors to the Trogir Cultural Summer this year speaks volumes in that regard.

As Morski writes, 2024’s Trogir Cultural Summer is now drawing to a close. This year’s event was otherwise its 54th edition, and the entire season was marked by record attendance and more than 75 events being held throughout this ancient city.

There were 14 events held on the islands of Drvenik Veliki and Drvenik Mali, and the rich cultural offer included seven festivals, 16 theatre performances for children and adults, nine fishing festivals, concerts by popular regional and local performers, exhibitions, stand-up comedy, literary evenings, a summer carnival and much more. This diverse range of content provided unforgettable experiences and memories for all residents and visitors of Trogir, as reported by Dalmacija Danas/Dalmatia Today.

Until the end of September, the Trogir Cultural Summer will continue to offer several more events before things are finally wrapped up for another year. Today (Tuesday, September the 17th) the interesting FRAKTALI exhibition by talented artist Emil Heron Vargović will be opened in the Trogir City Museum, while on Saturday, September the 21st, that same museum will host the melodramatic duo drama called Ženici.


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