Chinese Plans for Croatian Shipyards Still Unknown

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, June 3 (Hina) – Economy Minister Darko Horvat said on Monday that the position of the China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC) on possible cooperation with the Croatian shipyards was still not known, announcing a meeting with businessman Danko Končar over a proposal regarding Uljanik.

Answering a reporter’s question, Horvat said that at the moment there was still no concrete answer from the Chinese company, whose delegations recently visited the ailing Uljanik and 3. Maj shipyards, and that he expected a letter with a concrete offer or analysis, after which he would inform the public of it.

Asked if he had information that Končar, who was formerly considered a potential strategic partner in Uljanik’s restructuring, could return to hire Uljanik’s workers and rent its equipment for a ship for a Kuwaiti client, Horvat said that he had heard of that information and that Končar had asked for a meeting with him, which would be held next week. “At the moment, I cannot say what kind of a proposal or idea Mr Končar has,” said Horvat.

Asked to comment on the fact that State Assets Minister Goran Marić was increasing the rent for state-owned premises used by small business owners, Horvat said that he had been in touch with Marić and that next week a meeting would be held involving officials of the Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts, after which a joint statement would be issued.

Asked if taxes for small business owners would continue to be reduced, Horvat recalled that work on an action plan for the cancellation and reduction of so-called non-tax levies was in its final stage and that the plan would be presented to the public in the next 30 days or so.

More news about Croatian shipyards can be found in the Business section.


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