Daniela Rogulj

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Vukovar Receives the First 3D Zoo in Croatia

Daniela Rogulj

An initiative put out by the city of Vukovar, the city has now dawned the first 3D Zoo in Croatia.

Dubrovnik Recorded 3 Times as Many Guests for Christmas Weekend

Daniela Rogulj

This festive weekend of Christmas 2016 brought a very high increase in the number of arrivals and overnight stays in ...

What an Evening for Croats in the NBA: Bogdanović a Hero, Bender with First Double-Double

Daniela Rogulj

Last night the NBA played 11 matches and the Croats were in full operation. The title role was the best ...


Split Half Marathon: A Run Through the Most Beautiful City in the World

Daniela Rogulj

Exactly two months away, the Split Half Marathon will take place from the 24-26 of February 2017.

Zagreb City Center to Have 4 New Hotels in the Next Two Years

Daniela Rogulj

By the end of 2018, Croatia’s metropolis with boast four new hotels, all within the center of the city.

A Croatian Christmas Staple: Fritule

Daniela Rogulj

Fritule, a staple at any Croatian Christmas table, is delicious, addicting, and the perfect holiday treat.

Coastal Ferry Line from Rijeka to Dubrovnik Reinstated for 2017

Daniela Rogulj

At the 13th session held on 22 December 2016, the government adopted a decision to reinstate the coastal ferry line ...

Advent in Split 2016: A Conversation with the Expat Community

Daniela Rogulj

Nothing brings people together like mulled-wine, so what better opportunity to gather a few opinions on Advent in Split this ...

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Christmas in Opatija: 22 Open Hotels, 4,000 Expected Guests

Daniela Rogulj

It’s always nice to look at how the different regions and towns throughout Croatia celebrate Christmas, and while a lot ...

Ministry of Tourism Expects 5% Growth in Tourism for 2017

Daniela Rogulj

“We expect that the upcoming year will also be a record year, and the Ministry of Tourism expects growth at ...