Lauren Simmonds

Croatia’s Surf’n’Fries Opens Doors in Australia!

Lauren Simmonds

The well frequented Croatian brand opens its doors on the other side of the world.

Social Media Helps with Home Delivery of Fresh Neretva Tangerines

Lauren Simmonds

There is a growing consumer interest in the direct delivery of fruit, which, besides its producers, is also being bought ...

Expensive New Police Equipment Ready For Several Croatian Cities

Lauren Simmonds

An almost 40 million kuna investment for MUP.

”LNG Terminal Will Make Us A More Energetically Safe Country”

Lauren Simmonds

Is Croatia at an energetic turning point?

Crowds A Thing Of The Past? Dubrovnik Will Finally Limit Cruisers

Lauren Simmonds

Has Dubrovnik finally got its cruise ship problem under proper control? It would appear so!

Youth Prints Fake Money, Splashes Out on Food and Drink!

Lauren Simmonds

When the economic situation isn’t going your way, is there a way to redirect it? Maybe. Until you’re caught.

Polish Investors Continue to Express Big Interest in Croatia

Lauren Simmonds

Polish interest and continual investment remains strong.

Croatian Robot ”Pepper” is Main Attraction of European Researchers’ Night in Pula

Lauren Simmonds

Pepper the Croatian robot graced Pula with her presence.

Tourism: September Remains Three Times Weaker Than August

Lauren Simmonds

While Zagreb out-shined its coastal rivals by far, the post-August drop is still steep.

29 Million Kuna Contract for Krapina Business-Technology Incubator Signed

Lauren Simmonds

Something new for Krapina-Zagorje County is on the horizon.