Lauren Simmonds

Police Activity to be Strengthened Until End of 2018

Lauren Simmonds

Remember to wear your seat belt and stick to the speed limit or risk a hefty fine.

Another Good Year for Pag Cheese!

Lauren Simmonds

Excellent news for Pag as its American distributor sings its praises.

Croatia’s Algebra LAB Passes European Commission Evaluation

Lauren Simmonds

Excellent news for one innovative Croatian company as the European Commission gives them an official nod of approval.

Upcoming Works on Popular Zadar Tourist Attraction Will Cause Temporary Closure

Lauren Simmonds

The deadline for conducting the works on the top Zadar attraction is March the 31st, 2018.

Slavonian Experts Will Contribute to 5G Project Development

Lauren Simmonds

The company in question based in Osijek has opened a development and research center, and the current number of thirty ...

Serbian Planes to Land at One Croatian Airport

Lauren Simmonds

”The extended runway enables the beginning of the cooperation with Air Serbia, with whom we’ve been negotiating for a long ...

From the Philippines to Croatia, Šibenik Wins Foreign Hearts

Lauren Simmonds

With all the negative news of people leaving in their droves, there are much quieter arrivals, too…

Marine Life Continues to Pose for Šibenik’s Underwater Camera

Lauren Simmonds

From fish to eels and loggerhead turtles, Šibenik’s underwater camera continues to arouse curiosity among marine life.

New Fleet of Cars Worth 40 Million Kuna for Government

Lauren Simmonds

The vehicles are being procured for fourteen different ministries.

Railways, Tourism and Ports Interest Chinese Investors

Lauren Simmonds

”The economic and political relations with the country in which he wants to invest are taken into account by every ...