Lauren Simmonds

Croatia’s ”Juicy” Drinks Gain Strength on New Markets

Lauren Simmonds

Stanić Beverages Croatia enters Bahrain, Egypt and Yemen with the popular Juicy brand.

Kraš Net Profit Above 30 Million Kuna in 2017

Lauren Simmonds

Welcome news for Kraš!

Did Serbia Give Croatia Outdated Missing Persons Data?

Lauren Simmonds

Was Vučić’s ”friendly visit” all cloaks and daggers after all?

Agrokor: Small Shareholder Representative States ”Everything Until Now Has Been Lost Time”

Lauren Simmonds

Jelčić Purko claims that it’s impossible to pick up where Ramljak left off because no permanent creditor council has been ...

Ante Nazor’s Book on Homeland War Now Available on Amazon

Lauren Simmonds

The Croatian War of Independence: Serbia’s War of Conquest Against Croatia and the Defeat of Serbian Imperialism 1991 – 1995, ...

What Does Agrokor Case Reveal about Uncomfortable Reality of Croatian State?

Lauren Simmonds

Agrokor, just another Parmalat scandal?

Croatia to Pay EU More, Concrete Figures Known in May

Lauren Simmonds

As 10 billion euro per year is set to leave with the United Kingdom, the EU27 leaders discussed the European ...

Another EU Country Opens Doors to Croatian Workers

Lauren Simmonds

Another door is opened in the EU for Croatian workers.

Already Tagged and Recorded Turtle Found Dead in Posedarje

Lauren Simmonds

Some sad news from Posedarje.

Vižula Peninsula Entrance Closed for Archaeological Park Renovation

Lauren Simmonds

Medulin will up its game from sea and sunshine to history, culture and above all – archaeology.