Lauren Simmonds

More Companies and More Exports in Lowest Paid Industry in Country

Lauren Simmonds

Due to low wages, the textile and leather industry is increasingly struggling to reach a new professional workforce…

Up to 5000 Kuna Fine for Putting Rubbish in Wrong Bin!

Lauren Simmonds

By Thursday, every city and municipality across Croatia must decide how residents will organise the separating of their waste.

Rimac Automobili: ”By End of Year, We’ll Grow to Around 400 People”

Lauren Simmonds

Welcome news from one of Croatia’s most well known success stories.

McDonalds Continues to Employ People Across Croatia

Lauren Simmonds

The famous American fast food chain has come a long way since its first Croatian restaurant opened back in 1996.

Entrepreneur Reveals Five Reasons to Stay, Live and Work in Croatia

Lauren Simmonds

Following several articles on Croats finding their happiness abroad, one entrepreneur offers their arguments for staying, living and working in ...

Frano Luetić is New Director of Dubrovnik Airport

Lauren Simmonds

Changes in Dubrovnik Airport’s management as Roko Tolić’s mandate comes to and end.

Ivica Todorić Won’t Face Court Until May

Lauren Simmonds

The former Agrokor boss’ hearing has been postponed due to procedures.

Incident at Slovenian Border: Man in Croatian Bus Claims to have Bomb

Lauren Simmonds

An unusual incident at the border with Slovenia.

Čakovec to Get First 4 Star Hotel in Spring!

Lauren Simmonds

Međimurje’s popularity is growing among tourists, and without high-end accommodation…

Money Available for Croatian Municipalities to Have Free Wi-Fi in Parks, Squares and More

Lauren Simmonds

The money is there for Croatia to be able to install free Wi-Fi in public spaces, parks, squares, and more.