Lauren Simmonds

Todorić: ”Government Wants to Hide Truth About Agrokor”

Lauren Simmonds

Another bold insinuation from Agrokor’s former untouchable boss.

The Economist: Plenković Could Convene Earlier Elections

Lauren Simmonds

The respected British publication shines its spotlight on the Croatian Prime Minister and economic predictions for 2018.

Of All EU Citizens, Croats Set Aside Most of Household Budget for Food

Lauren Simmonds

While some countries spend more on housing and utilities, Croats spend much more on food.

Todorić: ”How PM Plenković Suffered Defeat as Statesman and Diplomat, and caused Enormous Damage to Croatian State”

Lauren Simmonds

”Damages to Agrokor, but also to the Republic of Croatia, are being measured in billions”

Croatia’s Foreign Entrepreneurs – Meet René, from Holland to Zumberak

Lauren Simmonds

We wish to write this series to share the stories of expats (or returned Croatian heritage) who chose to move to ...

$300,000 raised at Croatian Gala in Canada!

Lauren Simmonds

A huge sum raised!

Todorić: ”What’s Hiding in Hong Kong?”

Lauren Simmonds

Agrokor’s former top dog posts a new blog entry.

Unhappy Neighbours: Ruling Bosniak Party Says No to Pelješac Bridge Construction

Lauren Simmonds

The neighbours still aren’t happy.

Dubrovnik Tourist Board Wins ”Simply the Best” Award for Good Food Festival

Lauren Simmonds

More accolades for Dubrovnik’s Tourist Board as praise for the popular Good Food Festival rolls in!

How Will 2017’s Dubrovnik Winter Festival Differ From 2016?

Lauren Simmonds

What changes are in store for this year’s Dubrovnik Winter Festival?