Lauren Simmonds

Techne Summit To Be Held In Dubrovnik This May

Lauren Simmonds

Dubrovnik will play host to one of the most prestigious technology summits in the world this spring.

Want To Learn Japanese? Come to Dubrovnik!

Lauren Simmonds

You’ll hear many languages spoken in Dubrovnik, from Italian to German to English to… Japanese?

Asparagus Days in Dubrovnik Begins Next Weekend

Lauren Simmonds

”Asparagus is sweetest in spring” is a saying used by several publications and experts on food. If you’re in Dubrovnik ...

Tourism Revenue Exceeded Expectations in 2016

Lauren Simmonds

2016 was an incredible year for tourism in Croatia, and a closer look at the official figures proves it.

Konavle Fire Under Control

Lauren Simmonds

A forest fire which broke out in the hills of Konavle this afternoon is being closely monitored and is now ...

March Temperature Record Broken for Dubrovnik

Lauren Simmonds

The freshness of spring? Not quite…

Lapad To Welcome Flower Fair This Weekend

Lauren Simmonds

Spring is here, and so is another flower fair…

Dubrovnik: Run for Nevio Kresic This April

Lauren Simmonds

Dust off your running shoes in time for the end of April and get out of breath for a good ...

Dubrovnik Airport To Introduce 190 Kilometre Shuttle Line

Lauren Simmonds

A big step forward for Dubrovnik Airport (Cilipi) in efficiency and simplicity.