Days of Alka and The Assumption Opens Tonight!

Daniela Rogulj

The cultural and entertainment event “Days of Alka and The Assumption 2018” will be open in Sinj tonight.

The inauguration ceremony will be held at King Tomislav at 20:30 this evening. The program will be attended by the City Musicians of Sinj and the Sinj majorettes who will take the streets of Sinj at 20:00.

Afterward, at 21:00, the Alkar courtyard will host a concert including the Mixed Choir of the City of Sinj and the opera soloists of Split Špiro Boban, tenor, Alma Karmelić, opera singer, Božo Župić, bass, Marija Bošnjak on the clarinet and Rozarija Mimica Samodol on the piano. The program will feature members of KUD Glavica, who will play the “Cetinski kolo” and “Final kolo from the opera ‘Ero s onoga svijeta’.

Tonight at 21:00, the two-day festival of alternative culture begins! S.A.R.S., organized by S.K.U.P., will be held in the area of former barracks ‘Ivaniš Nelipić’.

The program at King Tomislav Square will continue at 22:00 with a concert of the Z-band.


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