National Action “Walk for Life” Comes to Split for First Time

Daniela Rogulj

An anti-abortion walk will be held for the first time in Split this month.

The “Walk for Life”, family, and Croatia’s peaceful journey of citizens will be held in Split for the first time in support of unborn children, their mothers, fathers and families. This first time action will be held in Split on Saturday, May 20th, reports Dalmacija News on May 13, 2017.

The gathering will begin at 10 am in front of the Church of Our Lady of Health, and will proceed to Marmontova and onto the waterfront, where the citizens of Split and their guests will be welcomed with a rich entertainment program including Meri Cetinić, Alen Nižetić, Klapa Kontra and other performers.

At the Walk for Life press conference in Split, members of the organizing committee presented the objectives and the program of events.

“Walk for Life is a peaceful gathering of citizens in an effort to help people understand that life begins at conception and that we should protect life in all of its stages, until natural death,” said Tomislav Slavić, head of the Walk for Life organizing team in Split. He added:

“We are pleased that the Walk for Life will be happening for the first time in our city and it will seek to highlight the fact that every life is unique. Our goal is to get people of different profiles to unite on this day, to come together and look forward to life, and therefore we invite you to come join us on May 20th to help us show everyone that life has worth and that everyone – big and small – should stand together in the protection of it.”

Mihaela Krajina emphasized the right to life as a fundamental right, and further emphasized the importance of life from conception to natural death. 

“We invite everyone to provide support for each child, mothers and families, and especially the unborn children and pregnant women,” said Krajina, adding that every life is worth fighting for.

“Our goal is to provide support to mothers who are considering an abortion, and we want to highlight the need for them to be educated about all of the scientific facts related to the onset and development of life at conception. Our goal is to walk in communion with all those who can not walk – the marginalized, the sick, the abandoned – and provide support to those who are thinking about leaving their homeland,” stressed Krajina.

“It is our duty to protect the right to life of all those who can not protect themselves, and I hereby call upon the citizens of Split and Dalmatians to join us at the Walk for Life,” said Neven Mikšić.

“Our organizational team has been working for several months, and more than 150 people of different profiles will volunteer at the action – from the faithful of different religions to atheists and agnostics – because all of us share the common desire to protect life,” said Ružica Gulan

“I invite all citizens of Split and Dalmatians to join us in the Walk for Life, which will point out the dignity and uniqueness of every human life. We guarantee you a real Dalmatian feast,” concluded Marina Borovec. 


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